工人,农民 (搜全网)
"The grou makes u a rimitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardshis of life and hunger, and to rotect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this ost-war eriod, the characters build and invent a raort &both in their rofessional and daily lives &between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geograhical origins, and antagonistic olitical cams.
The grou maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial." -Steve Grayson
"my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Oerai, contadini (2001), both color landscae films with esecially acute senses of lace as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty." - Jonathan Rosenbaum